DIY:S2000 Start button

Submitted by Accordexcpe95


S2000 Start button


floppy drive plug (optional)


Wire cutter

hot glue

super glue

any cutting tools

-First you need to take out the center console. (if you don't know how.)

-take out the screws that are holdin the shift boot (3 screws on the back) and the hazard button (2 screws)

-check to see if you have the genuine honda s2000 button, because the aftermarket doen'st have a built in relay and the wiring will abit different.

1: start trimming the ridges on the button and any parts that will be on the way

2: test fit the s2000 button in the console,the hole is goin to be bigger than the button, but it's fine, we will hot glue it later

3: now you have the trim, saw or drill to make the empty slot bigger to make the button fits. this part is time consuming, jus take you time and test fit it, and try not to scratch console itself.

Notes: DON'T cut the whole black inner ring, because it will be too big for the hazard button. as you can see in the pic, i have left some of the black part there.

4: once you are done, flip over to the back and begin to cut off the taps that used to hold the hazard button. remember to cut it neatly because we are goin to reuse this on the other side.

5: screw the taps back to the hazard button and line up with the empty slot.

6:start gluing the taps to the console. in this case, i used Superglue

we can now work on the wiring when we are waitin for it to dry.

7: if you have old computer at home, you are at luck because you can use the floppy drive plug n it plugs right in the s2000 button. if you don't, that's okay too beacuse you can always solder them together.

8: there are 4 wires from the floppy plug, but only 3 will be use, here is where the wiring goes.

9: once you figure it out which ones to use, you can now extend the wires by soldering or jus twist them together.

Notes: as you can see my wiring, the white/black one is starter, red is power and the black wire is ground.

10: now lets go back to the console and see if the gule is dry. once it does, you can begin hot glue the s2000 button in place.

now you are ready to wire it to the car.

11: take out all the panels that are blocking the steering wheel cover. thethere are 3 screws on the bottoms that needs to be taken out, don't worry the 2 bolts that are deep inside.

pop the top and bottom covers open and put it somehwere you won't scratch it. (... i put mine on the floor)

12: located the black/white wire that is on the BROWN plug. it's really noticeable. you won't miss it.

-now you will need to splice it and wire them up. (white/balck wire in my case)

-for the power(red wire in my case), people say look for the green/white (not sure?) wire for the cig. instead of doin that, all i did was look for the fuse that is for the the cig (it should be second role from the bottom, third from the right). pull it out and wraped the wire around it n plug the fuse back in.

-for the ground wire (black in my case), there are alot of place you can use. the one that i used was located where the hood latch button is because it is bolt to the body. so once again, i wraped the wire around that bolt and screw it back in.

-check and make sure all wires are hooked up righ, then now it's time to fire up the car with the s2000 button! if it works, you can put the plastic covers back. if not, then you have to recheck your wiring.

now go back to you center console. if you notice, you hazard harness is goin to short and it barely reaches to the other side. a helpful tips is that the harness is just holding by some electrical tape, all you have to do cut if off and you can route the hazard harness to the other side w/o a problem.

-last part before you put the center console back in. you will need to test fit it, because i have to trim some of the platics off the top console and the tap that is on teh hazard button.

That's it! now you can enjoy your s2000 button and stand out from other Ep3s.

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