DIY: Header install

Submitted by : Jpax

This was done on a RSX

Tools needed :

10, 12, 14mm socket and ratchet with extensions

Jack and jack stands

14mm wrench

Unplug your battery.

Start off by removing the spark plug cover, 10mm acorn nuts.(to not scratch it)

Then move any lines that are in your way, on the RSX the throttle, cruse, and power steering lines and brackets are in the way so we removed them to give us room to remove the header. pic #2 (blue circle)

Once those are out of the way by moving them to the air box (drivers side) area, we can now see the heat shield. Remove the bolts to gain access to the header bolts. pic #1 #2 (yellow circles)

Now that the heat shield is out of the way, you can now start to take out the 14mm bolts holding on the header to the head. There are 3 bolts and 2 nuts. Remove all the bolts First and loosen the nuts Don't take them off yet! pics #2, 4 (yellow circles)

Now Jack up the front of the car and craw underneath.

Look for the cat, and follow that up to the header. Remove the (2) 12mm bolts with springs on them. pic #5 yellow arrows.

Also remove the 14mm bolt holding the bracket to the header.

Now up on top again. Take the 2 remain nuts off the header and pull the header out from the top taking care not to scratch the valve cover.

Replace the gasket if needed, and reinstall the new header. We reused the O-ring gasket on the header to cat side. pics #6

Install in header from top and put the (2) nuts on first and replace remaining bolts, attach the cat back on, brackets for lines and double check everything to make sure it is tight.

Torque on the header bolts and nuts are 33Ftlbs

plug battery back up and start it up.






